Company History
On September 3, 2019, TBAKI became the new company established as a joint venture by Toyota Boshoku America, Inc., which is the Americas Regional Management & Collaboration Hub of Toyota Boshoku Corporation (TBJ), and AKI USA Corporation, which is the US joint venture between Delta Kogyo Co., Ltd (Delta Kogyo) and Toyo Seat Co., Ltd (Toyo Seat).
TBAKI's core business is manufacturing world-class automotive interior systems. We want to evolve into a truly international company that serves our customers around the world. To do so, we constantly strive to strengthen our management teams and increase the amount of local parts and materials used in our assemblies. Our products are expected to be among the most technologically advanced in the world. To achieve this, we strive to hire, train and retain high quality team members.
Company Philosophy
A critical and vital part of any company’s reason to exist is its philosophy. This is true with TBAKI. What makes us unique and what sustains us through our operations is understanding what we stand for and how we view our company. We would like to share with you our philosophy and ask our team members to consider making it their own.
Our philosophy is more than just a philosophy; it's a way of life. It guides our contribution to society by developing leading-edge technologies and manufacturing high-quality products while being a responsible corporate citizen supporting the communities in which we live and work. We are committed to our team, our communities and the environment.
The legend of the three arrows
In medieval Japan, in the country called “AKI” around 1500 AD, there lived a feudal lord named Motonari Mori.
Motonari had three sons who would one day inherit his kingdom. In those days, the common practice for sons was to fight amongst themselves until only one son remained to inherit his father’s kingdom.
Motonari wanted to prevent that from happening as well as teach his sons a lesson. First, he gave each son one arrow and asked them to break it. When each son was able to break the arrow with ease, Motonari gave them each three arrows bundled together asking them to break those arrows. After each son failed to break the bundle of three arrows, Motonari encouraged his sons to stick together as three are much stronger than one. Thus the legend of the three arrows was born.
The three companies that make up TBAKI are the three arrows that make up TBAKI. In order to marry the three cultures of our parent companies, TBAKI also has three arrows in its quiver, the arrows of Smile, Collaborate, and Innovate.
Smile is our first arrow that represents our focus on achieving a positive workplace environment that is a blessing to team members, their families, and the community at large.
Next we open our quiver for the arrow of Collaborate. Through collaboration, we aim to achieve a team that works together to learn, solve problems, and deliver high quality products to our customers.
Working together as a team allows us to draw our final arrow, Innovate. Innovation allows us to improve our current processes through kaizen in order to be a strong company capable of tackling any challenges in the future.
The three arrows of TBAKI